July 6


Limiting Beliefs – The Hidden Costs and How to Overcome Them

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I knew I was tired of feeling stuck and unfulfilled, even though deep down I knew I was capable of more. What I didn’t know at the time was the reason for that feeling which was rooted in my limiting beliefs (negative thoughts or beliefs that prevented me from reaching my full potential).

Limiting beliefs can keep us from reaching our goals and living the life we really want. They are the negative thoughts and belief systems we have about ourselves, our abilities, and our situations. These beliefs can be so ingrained that they limit our potential for growth and success.

The hidden cost of limiting beliefs

I now know that beliefs shape experiences and these influence our actions. Unfortunately, most of us have beliefs that prevent us from enjoying a better lifestyle; even worse; we do not realize the hidden cost that these limiting ideas, beliefs or thoughts bring with them.

The reason For procrastination

If there is a belief that we are not good enough or that we will fail, we may avoid taking risks or trying new things. Thinking that we are not prepared, that we need to study more, that we need more preparation or that we do not have the necessary economic resources are some of the limiting thoughts and beliefs that prevent us from taking action and that consequently reinforces the limiting ideas and beliefs to restart the cycle that keep us from action and generates feelings of frustration, stress and anxiety a very expensive cost to pay

Missed opportunities

Limiting beliefs keep us trapped in comfort zones, preventing us from exploring new opportunities and experiences. We can lose professional opportunities or personal relationships because we believe that we are not capable or do not deserve them.

Our internal dialogue

Limiting beliefs contribute to negative self-talk, which reinforces our negative beliefs about ourselves. This negative self-talk can further erode our confidence and self-esteem, making it even more difficult to break free of our limiting beliefs.

“You can not entertain weak, harmful, negative thoughts ten hours a day and expect to bring about beautiful, strong and harmonious conditions by ten minutes of strong, positive, creative thought.”

Charles F. Haanel, The Master Key System

The Master Key – A powerful tool

Identifying my limiting beliefs was the first step in overcoming them. Beyond identifying the beliefs and working to eliminate them is the fact of changing them for other powerful beliefs and thoughts that without realizing it were eliminating those that did not serve me.

I began to visualize the life that I wanted and to worked on forming new thinking habits with the tools at my disposal and that I was integrating day by day and without further ado, my thoughts were creating ideas that generated emotions that inspired me to action and thanks to that, today I live life on my terms.Ask yourself if there is any evidence to support your beliefs or if they are simply assumptions you have made about yourself.

limiting beliefs

Don’t let limiting beliefs keep you from reaching your goals and living the life you’ve always wanted! Sign up now to receive more information on how to overcome these barriers and unleash your full potential. Do not miss the opportunity to be part of the next journey of the Master Key Experience and own your destiny. Sign up now!

Read more articles by Maria Pena

About the author

Business Owner, Speaker, and Rebel With a Cause, Tax Expert Helping business owners to pay less in taxes while making more money. Mission: To Promote human values, financial education, and self-improvement.

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  • So well said, Maria. I want to make a billboard of this section and put it on every highway in the country! Thank you for this strong statement: “If there is a belief that we are not good enough or that we will fail, we may avoid taking risks or trying new things. Thinking that we are not prepared, that we need to study more, that we need more preparation or that we do not have the necessary economic resources are some of the limiting thoughts and beliefs that prevent us from taking action and that consequently reinforces the limiting ideas and beliefs to restart the cycle that keep us from action and generates feelings of frustration, stress and anxiety–a very expensive cost to pay.”

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