The Ancient Greek philosopher Plato understood the importance of believing in yourself before anything is to become a reality. This is the tried and true pathway to getting to a breakthrough in your life!
As featured in the Master Key Experience (MKE), Haanel’s Master Key System echoes Plato’s conviction:
Here we find a method, the spirit of which is to believe that what is sought has been accomplished, in order to accomplish it: a method, bequeathed upon us by the same Plato who, outside of this sphere, could never find how the ideas became realities. This conception is also elaborated by Swederborg in his doctrine of correspondences; and a still greater teacher has said, “what things so ever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them. ” (Mark 11:24) The differences of the tenses in this passage is remarkable.
Haanel, Master Key System, 11:16-17
To believe what is sought HAS BEEN ACCOMPLISHED!!
Not that it will be, but that it HAS BEEN accomplished.
Believing in Yourself
Haanel quotes the the Master Teacher says: “…believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them” (Mark 11:24).
He doesn’t say pray that you ‘will’ have it but says BELIEVE that you HAVE them, and you will. It’s all the same thing! Believe in the end result, believe it has already happened.
Haanel continues:
The Truth must be told to each generation and to every people in new and different terms, so that when the Great Teacher said – “Believe that ye receive and ye shall receive” or, when Paul said – “Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen” or, when modern science says – “law of attraction is the law by which thought correlates with its object”, each statement when subjected to analysis, is found to contain exactly the same truth. The Only difference being in the form of presentation.
Haanel, Master Key System, 11:25
Highlighted there is Paul noting faith is “…the substance of things hoped for” (Hebrews 11:1).
It doesn’t matter how we spin it: it is always thought before the object or reality. This is the power of believing in yourself.
It is KNOWING that the dream or ideal has already been achieved and weaving that fabric oh so tightly with the BELIEF of what IS already in motion.
In a closing: “… Whatsoever things ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them and ye shall have them” (Mark 11:24).
Notice that there is no limitation, “WHATSOEVER things” is very definite and implies that the only limitation which is placed upon us is our ability to think, to be equal to the occasion, to rise to the emergency, to remember that Faith is not a shadow, but a substance.
The substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
Hannel, Master Key System, 11:35
No limitations, except what we place our own thoughts.
If the options are literally endless, and the Master Teacher gave us the connection to the most high, and the universal, then why would we continuously sell ourselves short of the riches to bestow?
Why play with broadcloth, when we should be weaving tapestries of silk, bamboo and rayon?

May you really allow yourself to dream with no limits this week and see everything you could possibly be. Believing in yourself is the path forward.
I can be what I will to be!
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Gosh Candy – this is such a powerful reminder of what we do day in day out at Master Key Experience- thanks !
I agree JJ! So important to remind ourselves of what we know each day.
Like how you integrated quotes from scriptures in your blog.
You are a wonderful coach and those who are mentored by you can see the work you have put in and genuinely feel you want all to experience their purpose in life.
Thank you.
Candy, your blog was full of great reminders and the importance of using the tools you’ve been taught. The two things that inspired me were: (1)Notice that there is no limitation, “WHATSOEVER things” is very definite and implies that the only limitation which is placed upon us is our ability to think, to be equal to the occasion, to rise to the emergency, to remember that Faith is not a shadow, but a substance.
(2)Dream with no limits and see everything you could possibly be. Believing in yourself is the path forward. Thanks so much for those reminders.
Such a great and insightful post. Thanks Candy!
Love your blog Candy, especially your statement “It doesn’t matter how we spin it: it is always thought before the object or reality” So grateful for the MKE course that shows us how to focus our thoughts and become self-directed, guided by our divine Source.
That statement really resonated with me too, Jen! First A, then B! 🙂
Easier said than done, indeed, but you really pulled together a beautiful overview on how important it is to truly believe in yourself! After all, if we don’t take care of ourselves, how can we be our best to give our best? Thanks for this incredible share, Candy!
Great blog Candy! I literally can feel the energies that lift any participants up in the Master Key Experience. And the MKE contents so much in many levels contributing to that uplifting of energies. Thank you for this great reminder!
I agree with Monica – awesome blog Candy! Thanks for sharing your talents!
Excellent post Candy! No limits sound great to me and it’s totally worth putting in some effort to get there! Especially considering all the wonderful support MKE provides us in “breaking off the cement” of our limiting thoughts so that we can have that necessary belief in ourselves to realize our dreams! 🙂
Candy – you’re hanging out with some deep thinkers! Plato, Haanel, Mark and whoever wrote Hebrews! Great company!
Dream! Dreams do come true especially through the Master Key Experience!
Candy, I appreciate your connecting to past well-known thinkers what we have experienced personally. As you say so clearly: “It is KNOWING that the dream or ideal has already been achieved and weaving that fabric oh so tightly with the BELIEF of what IS already in motion.” I take away your wonderful weaving image to share with those I am inviting to give the immersive Master Key Experience a chance. “It is so amazingly true: Why play with broadcloth, when we should be weaving tapestries of silk, bamboo and rayon?” Thanks SO much.
Wonderful job, Candy! Thank you! I know that it is equally important to have gratitude for that which you desire as well. It’s amazing how the Master Key Experience wraps so many wonderful concepts into one amazing package.
Thanks for your blog and god reading it at Clubhouse today. Truly appreciate it.