August 22


4 Terrific Teachings from The Wizard of Oz

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I only had the opportunity to see the Wizard of Oz movie once when I was a child, however, it left me with many teachings that I can remember.

  • 1- The value of family and home: There is no place like home! Dorothy teaches us that home is where the family is and although many times the family is not what we want it to be, in times of adversity they are always with us,
  • 2- Wisdom and Heart: Two things necessary to go far. It is important to have a mind that thinks but the heart feels and vibrates is where emotions are born and you cannot achieve something with just one, you need both.
  • 3- Courage: we can have the intelligence and passion for something but without action, nothing would work; it takes the courage to do what is necessary, and the bravery to direct knowledge toward a definite purpose for the greater good.
  • 4- The power is within you: the scarecrow wanted a brain, the tin man wanted a heart and the lion wanted to be brave, after an unexpected experience a transformation of their being arose and they recognized that they had what they were looking for, that they had the power to change their lives and that all they needed was to look inside.

Enter MKE

For me, the transformative experience began in 2016 when I began the Master Key Experience (MKE). This journey has taken me out of my comfort zone, which has helped me recognize that my brain is much more than just another organ in my body. and that emotions help better when we know how to direct them. Of course, I have been afraid, I have faced my own hells and I have beaten many witches, but once the path begins, nothing is the same and the journey is lightened with the help of some friends committed to helping you when you need it. (Like the MKE guides !)

If you also want to live a transformative experience, encourage yourself to live it with us in the next class of the MKE. There is nothing like it!

See for yourself and register today and discover your inner power and realize that if you want to return home nothing and no one can do it for you… only you have the ability to reach your destination!

You’ve always had the power, my dear, you just had to learn it for yourself.

From the Wizard of Oz
Read more articles by Maria Pena

About the author

Business Owner, Speaker, and Rebel With a Cause, Tax Expert Helping business owners to pay less in taxes while making more money. Mission: To Promote human values, financial education, and self-improvement.

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  • Thank you for your interesting article. It is amazing what we learned from the old movies and old books. The Master Key System is very old but its ideas and principles were applicable then and are more applicable today. Truth does not get out of date. It only gets better.

  • Thank you for being vulnerable and authentic; so many of us can relate to your stories and especially your blogs too! Lovely, person you are from the inside out….I have yet to see the Wizard of Oz!

  • Thanks, Maria, for sharing your blog! I love how you compare the concepts present in the Wizard of Oz to those found in the Master Key Experience. Brilliant!

  • The Wizard of Oz is also one of my favorite movies, full of inspiring lessons indeed and a perfect illustration of the Hero’s Journey…like the one we live when we go through the Master Key Experience! Thank you for these great reminders Maria!

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