November 9


The World Within

Read more posts by  Elena Perez

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Evan Tanner states, “Believe in yourself;” the world within determines the world without. The Master Key Experience gave me insights into the world within me.

One of the things I learned from the Master Key Experience: I found that one of the secrets of success, and the methods of organizing victory, or the accomplishments of the Master Mind is to think of big thoughts.

This statement made me think of the Law of High Numbers in my business. I learned that in order to really be successful in my industry, in financial services, I have to really focus on running high numbers or I win only sporadically.

Applying this to my mind, the world within, it makes sense that the secret to success, the methods of organizing victory, to have the accomplishments of the Master Mind, I must focus on big thoughts. Simple but profound.

The summary also states that in paragraph 8 you will find that everything which we hold in our consciousness for any length of time becomes impressed upon our subconsciousness and so becomes a pattern in which the creative energy will wave into our life and environment. This is the secret of the wonderful power of prayer.

The real secret of power is subconsciousness of power. The Universal Mind is unconditional; therefore, the more conscious we become of our unity with this mind, the less conscious we shall become of conditions and limitations, and as we become emancipated or freed from conditions we come into realization of the unconditional. we have become free.

Charles Haanel, The Master Key System, 1:21

That is, to me the power of the world within. I am so enamored to become so closely identified with the Universal Mind that I am willing to do whatever it takes to live in that world and to make that world the only world I live in.

I think as many big thoughts and big dreams I could think of and as often as I possibly could to influence the world within me and eliminate imperfect conditions or thoughts inside of me… The World Within

As stated in paragraph 4, The result of this discovery is nothing less than marvelous, and means that mind is extraordinary in quality, limitless in quantity, and contain possibilities without number. It also states that To become conscious of this power is to become a “live wire”, it has the same effect as placing an ordinary wire with a wire that is charged. The Universal is the “live wire”.

This is because the Infinite Mind, which is the source from which all things proceed, is one and indivisible, and each individual is a channel whereby this Eternal Energy is being manifested. Our ability to act upon this Universal Substance, and what we think is what is created or produced in the objective world.

Charles Haanel, The Master Key System

Understanding and believing this statement is what changed my life and way of thinking. This taught me what a powerful being I am and that by changing the way I think constantly, I can be assured that it will be reflected in my objective world. I believe that to be absolutely true.

A Call to Action

As I continue to learn how the power of the world within works and as I apply these teachings to action, I get better and better results. I also get a deeper understanding of this power and I expect more from myself due to this deeper understanding of the power of the world within and it gives me better results daily. I now embrace a deep love for the world within me and into this power daily.

As a result of a deeper understanding of the world within and its power, I see myself growing and understanding better the Universal. Here is another example of what I am learning from Mark and Davene and the group of guides and staff members at MKE. Here is a blog I recently wrote about a Deeper Dive into Power

Another self-directed thinker who is now also embracing the power of the world within is my friend Esther Bae. Check out her post about turning Failure Into Success.

I could write about hundreds of those who are not only winning but living their life of “Bliss” because of what they are learning from the MKE and the skills they are putting into practice daily, but the best way is; you find it out for yourself by accepting a scholarship into the program.

Are you ready to answer the question? Do you believe that you can also tap into the power of The Universal through The World Within and come out changed or different than when you started? Then, preregister here: Master Key Experience. Check it out. It is only available once a year. Get on the waiting list. I promise you will be happy you did.

You can also go to the upper right-hand corner and sign up to start the same way I started–with Mindshift you will experience a 7-DAY MENTAL DIET. I’ll keep in touch with you, sharing other insights when you’re on my email list. And/or go here and get on the waiting list for the scholarship program when it opens up sometime in September. With the 7-DAY MENTAL DIET, you will be prepared for this course. You are going to be grateful that you did.

Thank you!

Read more articles by Elena Perez

About the author

Elena can help you direct, nurture, and set your goals quickly, respectfully and with peace in your heart every day. As a life coach, she guides and encourages you to take the action needed to joyfully manifest your dreams and goals into reality.

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