Halloween has just gone past, but the topic of costumes is always a personal favorite. I have fun pretending to be someone or something else for the day. Honestly, we should do this any time of the year.
However, the real treat is found when we remove our “costumes” and discover the beauty of who we truly are!
Thus, the reason I highly recommend going through the Master Key Experience to find your authentic SELF!
More than a decade ago, when I took this new path to finding more authentic happiness, I realized that most people are hidden underneath years of wearing their “costume.” Of course, at the time, I didn’t think of it as a costume at all.
Trick or Treat
That’s the irony of it all. It is very comfortable to wear a costume people are conditioned to wear every day and believed to be through and through “OK.” When it is absolutely NOT!
NOT having fun and being suppressed and or conditioned is NOT “OK.” We just did not know what we know now… that there is so much beyond what we normalize our thinking to believe.
The Master Key Experience assists all of us to find our “DHARMA” and what I believe is to create your life by design NOT default.
What I now know is that the real me, and the real you, is inside of ourselves. As we tap into the real power of love that we are, we shed the costume we have been wearing for so long. We unleash our true, magnificent potential and become an even greater version of ourselves.
The Trick AND the Treat!
Here are some tricks for shedding your “costume,” and realizing the treat of your true potential, to help you get what you want this Halloween and forever after:
1. Feel more love for yourself than you ever have before. Also, feel more love for everyone and everything else in the same way, knowing that we are all connected.
2. Have fun with everything you do! Do not underestimate the power of fun, smiles, and laughter. As you feel more love, you will have more fun. It’s a wonderful upward spiral!
3. Be grateful for what you already have, grateful for what you want (as if you already have it), and grateful for everyone… including you. Make it an all day long habit.
4. Say “I love you” and “thank you” with heartfelt emotion as often as possible. Words hold great power in building the momentum of our creative process, helping us get whatever it is that we want!
Truly commit to this, and you will see changes in your life beyond what you ever could have imagined!
Have an absolutely magical life full of love, gratitude and fun, fun, FUN! And start the fun by joining the Master Key Experience. Click here to opt in.
Leave a comment on ways you have dressed up or been conditioned and how you were able to break through the costume.