August 9


Under the Cement

Read more posts by  Heather Pasqualini

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When I think of the little girl inside of me, I am reminded of how I believed anything was possible. I could be an opera singer, a pilot, a model, and more. We are all born with endless hope of something more. Something innately given by our creator. All she imagines is a joyful and fulfilling future.

The joy she deserves is quickly stripped by the constant reminders of her flaws and the life God has laid out for her has become a faint memory. If only she knew that those earthly voices telling her she can’t, were not of HIM.

She would throw all inhibitions to the wind of HIS hand and follow her heart when it came to adventure. Her willingness to throw a smile in another’s direction would never be denied so that someone else could feel the love she receives. She is resiliently strong spirited and gets tough when the going gets tougher.

The cement that is piled on needs cracking and is thick and is in need of some sort of a sledge hammer.

The constant bombardment of negativity in my everyday life is fierce and I need the strongest antidote possible to be bullet proof when it comes to sling warfare. I do not reciprocate, I do not entertain.

I am all powerful with God’s presence inside of me and coming to full recognition of this truth is a shield withstanding all. When something is said to cause pain and suffering it isn’t of HIM. When I remind myself of that I can stay in my beautiful state and not let it affect me.

I am focused on He that is in her. That little girl that lives inside of me is all deserving of the life God has in store for her. Many called that girl a dreamer and I call her the blooming flower she was meant to be.

And that girl is me! I am blessed to be given an endless amount of resilience and redemption. I have been lost but now I am found! Endless opportunity awaits! I have the tools I learned in the Master Key Experience course to help me and to help others, to strengthen my faith and to navigate any issues! Join us for the next class in September.

Read more articles by Heather Pasqualini

About the author

Heather loves life, family and adventure. She stumbled upon the MKE and realized that gratitude and happiness can be a part of your mantra no matter what life throws at you. Creating more intentional BLISS in her life she now enjoys helping others as a guide find their BLISS

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  • Wow! Thank you for sharing this incredible story! A terrific reminder that endless opportunities do await us, all we need to do is bust through that cement holding us back using the tools the MKE shows us.

    • I’m with you Brad this is an epic story! Love this – The constant bombardment of negativity in my everyday life is fierce and I need the strongest antidote possible to be bullet proof when it comes to sling warfare. I do not reciprocate, I do not entertain.

    • Thank you Brad. You are the reason I have made it this far. If it weren’t for your early encouragement as I was an infant exploring MKE I would have been another statistic refusing the hero call in my own life. Thank you for that!

  • Wow! This is so Beautifully written, Heather! You GO! 💕
    That little girl? Yes, she is here, always. She DOES matter! Her dreams are vibrantly alive and well. Make them count!
    Ooo… what was that noise? Oh, just another chunk of cement, now crumbled away.

  • Hi Heather, Thank you for sharing. I saw my cement front and center this week. I am so fortunate to have the tool to see that cement so I can now bust through it. Yea MKE tools.

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