October 11


Victory: 100% Success Each Day

Read more posts by  Julia Standish

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Choose victory! Every morning when we wake up, we need to power up and get our minds going in the right direction.

This is going to be a good day:

  • I can handle anything that comes my way;
  • I am strong;
  • I am confident;
  • I’m excited about my future.

Victory Mindset

Set your mind for victory at the beginning of each day! You have to think thoughts on purpose.  If you wake up and just think whatever comes to mind, thoughts will tell you – you have too many problems, you are tired–you’ll never overcome this obstacle.

If you don’t set the tone for the day, negative thoughts will set it for you. Before you check your phone, before you read your email, you need to think power thoughts, victory thoughts, abundance thoughts, can-do thoughts. 

Your Thoughts Will Become You

Remember this friends: your thoughts will become you.

The Master Key Experience (MKE) is by far the best training I have seen. I don’t even like to use the word training because it is so much more. It is a game changer, a life changer. It pushes you. It is laid out and you are given step by step instructions, but the outcome is based 100% on your own efforts.

I have to admit it has already been quite challenging for me since I don’t take time for myself.  But challenges have always pushed me to be my best.

15 Minutes of Silence

Last week I surprised myself and sat a total of 15 minutes in silence, with no movement. Think that’s easy? I know you all have tried it. I had itches in places I didn’t know could itch and I swear I felt a spider crawl up my back at one point. I did get a lot of thinking done though. My mind was everywhere. I was thinking about thinking. 

The MKE reading materials are phenomenal. Even though none of this information is brand new, it does seem as though it’s the first time I have heard of this. 

They say when they student is ready, the teacher will appear, and I AM READY!

Moving from week 2 to 3, I am realizing how much time I waste on things that aren’t a priority and how much time I should have to do what is important to me in my life.  


Butterflies in Formation

MKE is the best thing I have done for myself in a long time.  It’s like having thousands of butterflies in your stomach but suddenly they start flying in formation better each day!

The classes, the insights and the thought process is starting to come together.  I already sense changes in myself, and I am so excited!

Blogging is a great way to organize your thoughts and document your journey.

I am very engrossed in MKE and find that it is on my mind ALL THE TIME which is wonderful!

Read more articles by Julia Standish

About the author

Living example of the Master Key Experience, with a passion to pay it forward through personal support in the members' weekly blog posts, Julia is an MKE 2014 LifeTime member with lasting friendships around the world.

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  • Julia, thank you for your blog. You have a victory mindset. Good for you. You have made The Master Key Experience the difference in your life. The Master Key Experience can make the difference in your life as well. Julia, thank you for your friendship. I am very grateful.

  • Julia Goolia! What a great blog I too was super surprised how difficult it was to sit still for 15 minutes, at first I was like piece of cake – then a rude awakening!! So so grateful to myself for sticking with it – just 15 minutes changes my entire and for the better and thus my life is better than ever! #MasterKeyExperience

  • You are so spot on Julia! Me toi can suddenly have some disturbing moments when sitting still those 15 minutes if I have a lot going on in my life (and very often I have LOL). But then is it so good to keep doing it because those habitual 15 minutes makes wonder in your mind. Great blog!

  • Julia, I enjoyed your blog and all the inspiring gems you had to share. I especially liked your method of choosing Victory each morning. Being positive in your attitude about your day. Your Day is going to be a good one. You can handle anything that comes your way. You are strong. You are confident, and you’re excited about your future. Wow, how empowering these statements are. Your reminder of setting a positive tone for the day is so important in order to stop negative thoughts from setting it for you. I also liked your idea on how a blog is a great way to document your journey . Thanks for sharing your thoughts. How do butterflies stay in formation and how does this compare to our needed formation?

  • Starting the day by setting the tone with great & positive thoughts, so true and so important indeed! That reminds me the time when I had set up my radio alarm clock to be awakened by the morning news… One day I realized this was a huge mistake, because by the time I was leaving my bedroom, I had been literally bombarded with bad news and scarry or depressive infos…Not the best way to start the day! Once I changed this habit, it didn’t take long before I discovered the MKE program…just because my mind was finally ready to seaze its great potential benefits! Thank you Julia for your great sharing!

  • I laughed when you described your experience of your sit. I am finding I am being challenged too with crazy stories during the 15 min sits. My mind has been racing all over the place – but I am committed to taking charge of it.

    Thank you for your blog x

  • Yes! “If you don’t set the tone for the day, negative thoughts will set it for you.” So true! Cut out the noise and tune inward! Loved your butterflies lining up analogy as well! Thank you!

  • How fortunate are we that we can choose that victory?! If you’ve never felt the freedom to do so, it’s time to find out how!

  • Thanks for sharing this blog, Julia! I love how you use the concept of “setting the tone” for the day. This is paramount to instill those positive thoughts into the “Subby” during those theta states. It is equally important to use your neuropeptides for the positive bend rather than the negative bend.

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