March 1


We Have Control Of Our Life!

Read more posts by  Maria Pena

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Control of Our Life

Regardless of the challenges we face, each of us has the power to create a life that fulfills our dreams.

Every day offers us a new opportunity to make decisions – big and small – that ultimately determine who we become and what kind of life awaits us in the future.

It was never in my plans to be alone raising my children away from my family after an unexpected divorce; Although it was not part of my original plan, I accepted responsibility for all the decisions I have made because each one of them has led me to this point in my life and whether I like it or not, I am responsible.

Master Key Experience

But at the same time, I take responsibility for my life and start today to create a better future day by day, slowly but surely with the tools that I have learned and have put into practice from the Master Key Experience (MKE).

Every tool I have received has been created with a purpose, in fact the Definite Major Purpose (DMP), the readings, the poster, the cards, the 7 laws of mind, etc. and I have learned to forgive my mistakes to forgive others. I have the purpose of my life in writing, and I recognize the great power of love in my heart to be prepared to receive what is inside me.


The path has not been easy, but I continue to insist on this process of self-discovery and I know that if I persist long enough, victory is mine!

As long as there is breath in me, I will persist. For now I know one of the greatest principles of success. If I persist long enough, I will win.

Og Mandino, Greatest Salesman in the World

Find your own bliss with the MKE!

MKE is a powerful self-discovery adventure with daily hands-on help from 60+ Certified Guides. It will challenge you, but with challenge comes change. MKE members all say the same thing: There’s nothing like it!

Members have written well over 20,000 blog posts describing the details of their adventures and the changes they have achieved with the Master Key Experience course. Every available spot and scholarship has been reserved for now. The scholarships are limited because Certified Guides provide individual attention.

Go ahead! Add your name to the Early Bird Notification List so you’ll get ‘front of the line’ privileges for the next session.  We’ll send you an email notification a few days in advance of the new registration dates to give you a jump on the crowd.  

Read more articles by Maria Pena

About the author

Business Owner, Speaker, and Rebel With a Cause, Tax Expert Helping business owners to pay less in taxes while making more money. Mission: To Promote human values, financial education, and self-improvement.

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  • Maria, thank you for the wonderful reminder that it is all about self-discovery through taking full responsibility for our lives. I can never hear enough what you said: “each of us has the power to create a life that fulfills our dreams.”

  • Responsibility and awareness are the initial keys to transformation and you are/have both Maria. Great blog to remind us all.

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