June 16


Wealth Is An Offspring of Power

Read more posts by  Elena Perez

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The very first time I heard this, my reaction is to totally revolt against it. Wealth is an Offspring of Power, could it really be true? Until I dig deep and realized that the meaning I gave the statement is not the Truth I believed it to be.

My old conditioning was: Wealth and Power are not a good combination to have. I gave it the meaning of oppression, selfishness, misery, etc., instead of Wealth – offspring of Power.

Finding the Master Key Experience and this community of self-directed thinkers gave me a perspective that I have never heard before. It gave me that new perspective that Wealth, an offspring of Power is a good thing, no, no, no. It is a great thing. It is essential and the Truth.

I learned from my fellow members and this year from the staff and fellow guides that having power is good and to be powerful is a wonderful attribute to seek and achieve.

Power, Fear and Wealth

Week 19 of the Master Key taught me that my previous thought about power is nothing but fear and that it is a very powerful form of thought it can affect every part of our body.

Fear is a powerful form of thought. It paralyzes the nerve centers, thus affecting the circulation of the blood. This, in turn, paralyzes the muscular system, so that fear affects the entire being, body, brain and nerve, physical, mental, and muscular.

Charles Haanel, Master Key System

I also learned that to overcome this fear, is to become conscious of the power which is the cause. If I learn and put into practice the information in this lesson I will develop the sense of power which has ever been the distinguishing mark of genius.

Wonderful, I thought, I like the part about having the distinguishing mark of genius. Well, who wouldn’t? Right? Anyway, this is how it all started to open my eyes to things I thought were Truth but are nothing but limiting beliefs that hold me back from achieving the ME, my God and Creator have created me to be.

Now, I am truly excited to explore this long-forgotten part of me that was fearful to be powerful or touch that power that may burn me or make me be someone who I might not like in the end. So, I start with this search for the Truth about Wealth which is an offspring of power. My search is now no longer a haphazard adventure or stumbling through life like walking around in unfamiliar surroundings in the dark.

wealth is an offspring of power

Instead, it is now a systematic process, logical in its operation. Every kind of experience is given a voice in shaping its decision, because I am seeking the Truth, seeking the ultimate cause.

Wealth is an offspring of power

Notice I am seeking the ultimate cause, power, instead of just the effect, which is wealth, which is an offspring of power. Knowing that every human experience is an effect, we can then ascertain or figure out the cause. When we find this cause, we can consciously control the effect and the experience is within our control also.

Once this knowledge became real and accepted by my mind and heart, it gave me the power to truly accept it and to move forward and embrace this newfound power inside of me and the belief that Wealth is the effect and Power is the Cause. How revolutionary and empowering to learn and accept. Wealth is an Offspring of Power.

The more I study Haanel and really dig deep, the better my understanding of his teaching. The inexplicable thing that happened though is that my empathy and love for those things I find important before is exponentially expanded when I thought that going deeper into this study would diminish or eliminate it altogether.

What a beautiful revelation that turned out to be. My understanding and relationship with God, my creator is deeper and more vital in my life now than ever. My mind goes to the good I can do with the Wealth – offspring of power, that God is pouring into my life.

Sharing the Wealth

I find myself thinking on a larger scale and dreaming of changing the world in a more profound way than ever before, not for personal accolades but for the impact it can make in this world we live in. After all, wealth is an offspring of power. It’s that simple.

As I continue to learn about how wealth is an offspring of power and apply these principles to action,  I get better results and I expect more and better results daily. I now embrace that power. Here is another example of what I am learning from Mark and Davene and the group of guides and staff members at MKE. Here is a blog I wrote about the Law of Attraction.

Another self-directed thinker who is now also embracing that power is my friend Louise Kohl. Check out her post about Choosing The Object of My Affection. Click here to read it.

You Can Live a Life of Bliss

I could add hundreds more of those who are not only winning but living a life of “Bliss” because of what they are learning from the MKE and the skills they are putting into practice daily, yet the best way is; you finding it out for yourself by accepting a scholarship into the program.

Are you ready to answer the question? Do you believe that Power is the Cause and Wealth – offspring of power? Then, preregister here: Master Key Experience. Check it out. It is only available once a year. I promise you will be happy you did.

You can also go to the upper right-hand corner and sign up to start the same way I started–with Mindshift you will experience a 7-DAY MENTAL DIET. I’ll keep in touch with you, sharing other insights when you’re on my email list. Get on the waiting list for the scholarship program when it opens up sometime in September. With the 7-DAY MENTAL DIET, you will be prepared for this course. You are going to be grateful that you did. 

Thank you!

Read more articles by Elena Perez

About the author

Elena can help you direct, nurture, and set your goals quickly, respectfully and with peace in your heart every day. As a life coach, she guides and encourages you to take the action needed to joyfully manifest your dreams and goals into reality.

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    • Thank you so much dear Arlene. I am grateful first to God almighty for directing me to find the MKE and for Mark and Davene for thinking of making this class available. Last but not least, to the guides, Master Guides, and Staff Members who helped me to discover who I truly am. Also grateful for the chance to help others find their Bliss as a Guide and as a Master Guide assisting others as they help new sojourners and seekers find their Definite Major Purpose.

  • I love your energetic and enthuastic tone in sharing this insight, Elena. So many of us have been reared that money+power IS somehow bad. Thanks for your helpful clarifications‼️

  • This statement puts it all in perspective for me “My mind goes to the good I can do with the Wealth – offspring of power, that God is pouring into my life”. Thank you for writing this blog, this is now one of my affirmations.

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