November 22


What is your DMP?

Read more posts by  Wes Bartell

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As a student of the Master Key Experience, one of the requirements is to define your Definite Major Purpose. What is my DMP?

When I first went through the Master Key Experience course, I felt it was easy to put some words down on what I thought was my DMP. I soon realized that they were my affirmations and had nothing to do with my real purpose in life. I had to ask myself what my purpose was and what did I want. Once I had that direction, my world opened up to me.

I never dreamed that I could direct my life’s journey. I had always been a victim of taking it a day at a time and seeing what happens.

As I continued the course, I learned that we could direct our lives. What I learned throughout my life may not have been entirely accurate. How would I find out? Maybe it was time to do my research instead of depending on others’ opinions.

“Recognizing that you are not where you want to be is a starting point to begin changing your life.”

– Deborah Day

Although I had achieved many goals when I was younger, it soon became apparent that I could reinvent myself once again. As I began my new journey, it became clear that I would have to re-access what I wanted in life.

It also became clear that I no longer had to be a victim of my circumstances. Although my wife, parents, churches, and higher education educators had ideas for what was best for me, I now have the opportunity to my new ideal. I can be the inventor of my life.

I now exercise my imagination by thinking about my ideal life. My subconscious doesn’t know the difference between right and wrong, something vividly imagined or something that actually happened. I can now direct my imagination to what I want to achieve. Daily I exercise my imagination by sitting quietly for 20 minutes, developing my heart’s desires. I am manifesting my heart’s desire and bringing it to fruition.

Writing your DMP clearly and concisely gives your subconscious the direction and the goal to manifest what you want. Have you made your DMP? What is that you want? In case you have no idea, join us for the next class of the Master Key Experience and get hands-on support to find out from those of us who have done it ourselves.

Read more articles by Wes Bartell

About the author

Wes Bartell has enjoyed life as a Naval Aviator, a career as a Software Engineer, and retired to become an entrepreneur. As an entrepreneur, it soon became complicated as to what his new role in life would be. Wes enrolled in the MKE course in 2019, and learned how to redefine his life and goals. Wes resides in Coarsegold, California, and is an avid Affiliate Marketing representative who enjoys helping other people be entrepreneurs. Wes became a Certified Guide for the MKE so that he can “pay it forward,” helping others to manifest their health and wealth.

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