September 20


Who Am I?

Read more posts by  Elena Perez

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Since my early years, I have asked this question. Who Am I? As I learn and grow, my answer changes. Who Am I? Simple, yet profound. Life is full of challenges and lessons alike and I have identified myself as I learn those lessons of life.

So, Who Am I?

As you read this and any other of my blogs, can you identify who I am? Will you be able to? Will you be able to see the hidden things and the obvious joys of my life? Will you be able to identify my precious gift?

So many facets, so many faces. Who I really am is a mystery. Who Am I, could you hazard a guess? Is your answer the truth or is it just a reflection of who you are and what you think?

I am who I am because of the experiences and the people I associate myself with. It is so true that others influence the way I live and how I look at myself. It is true of every human being.

As a Master Key Experience (MKE) member, I once again ask myself, Who Am I?

Weekly, daily, I grew and changed, and my answer to the question also changed.

Every book, podcast, TED Talk and personal development training I partake in, changes the way I look at who I am and the answer to the question, who am I? changes as well.

Life is changeable and my mindset is a result of all my experiences and who I see myself as. Who Am I, is no longer just a question I ask, it is a daily check-in of the changes in my life and daily thoughts.

If you had asked me as a child, the question “Who Am I?” the answer is a bright, full of hope individual as my imagination ran wildly in those days. I saw the world as I wanted it to look like, instead of the dismal life I was experiencing as an orphan passed around among my aunts who saw me as a burden.

As a teenager, the question “who am I?” got an answer of an inferiority complex and undeserved ridicule that I heard most of my life. Financial difficulties became a major factor of who I saw myself as at that time.

As a reader, I identify with the characters of the stories I read and the ideology of those I admire. The more I study the greats like Haanel, Mandino, Hill, Wattles, and other philosophers and really dig deep, the better my understanding of their teachings, the deeper my answer is to the question, “who am I?”

The inexplicable thing that happened is that my empathy and love for the topic of identity and self-evaluation and similar things, I found important before, is now exponentially enlarged.

When I thought that going deeper into all these studies would diminish or eliminate them altogether out of my mind, is now enhanced and changed my understanding of who I am.

What a beautiful revelation that turned out to be. My understanding and relationship with God, my creator is deeper and more vital in my life now than ever. My mind goes to the good I can do with the question “Who Am I?”

I find myself thinking on a larger scale and dreaming of changing the world in a more profound way than ever before, not for personal accolades but for the impact it can make in this world I live in.

So, “Who Am I?”. What is your take, from this short glimpse of my life.

A Call to Action

As I continue to learn about this question, “Who Am I?” and as I apply all the principles to action, I get better and expect better answers daily. I now embrace “Who I Am?”, the ever changing me for the better.

Here is another example of what I am learning from Mark and Davene and the group of guides and staff members at Master Key Experience.

Here is a blog I wrote about the Law of Attraction.

Another self-directed thinker who is now also embracing that power is my friend Day Boswell. Check out her post about Independence. Click here to read it.

I could add hundreds more of those who are not only winning but living a life of “Bliss” because of what they are learning from the MKE and the skills they are putting into practice daily.

Yet the best way is for you to find it out for yourself by accepting a scholarship into the program.

Are you ready to answer the question, “Who am I?”

Then, register here: Master Key Experience. Check it out. It is only available once a year. I promise you will be happy you did.
Thank you!

Read more articles by Elena Perez

About the author

Elena can help you direct, nurture, and set your goals quickly, respectfully and with peace in your heart every day. As a life coach, she guides and encourages you to take the action needed to joyfully manifest your dreams and goals into reality.

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  • Thought provoking blog post Elena! Thanks for sharing your personal insights about your own Hero’s journey and how the skills you have learned thru the Master Key Experience has helped you navigate along the way!

  • Elena, I learned a song that you might enjoy. “I am love, I am light, I am power, I am peace. I am hope, I am joy, I am healing, I release.” Such beautiful reflections about the answer to WHO AM I. Thank you!

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