October 16


Why Did I Become a MKE Guide?

Read more posts by  Peaches Land

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Becoming a MKE Guide is linked to my experience as a member taking the course. It was 2019 and I was at a big crossroads in my life, I had a few possible directions I could take, not really having a preference for any one in particular. I felt rather lost and isolated from my ‘tribe’ of people who I had moved away from that year.

I quite by accident discovered the Master Key Experience (MKE) by seeing an email from Mark J about the color code. I had no idea what color code was, or how the email got into my inbox. Maybe somewhere in years previous I had clicked on a link?

Anyway, the point is, after many months, I finally opened the email to be surprised and delighted at being invited to watch 3 x 45 minutes videos of Mark J offering a $1 scholarship for a course called the Master Key Experience.

I’m not big on commitment, I’ve always had fun living off my intuition and impulse, rather than fact or instruction. So to commit myself to 3×45 minute videos two days apart was an achievement I still pat myself on the back for!

To just say my life blowed in the wind, is an understatement. I had shiny object syndrome, I would follow anything that caught my eye, but not stick with it if it didn’t satiate my quest for the betterment of my personal growth.

So, my first six weeks with MKE was amazing. It ticked all the boxes that I demanded in my life.
Brain (neuro) science ✅
Visionary ✅
Discipline✅ (I didn’t realize how much I would love this bit!)
Wonder and awe ✅
Clarity and focus ✅
Creativity ✅
Passion and lust for life ✅
Support and Camaraderie ✅

I said to myself, at the beginning of the course, I commit myself to completing this course. With that little voice in the back of my head, saying no, you won’t!

I nearly didn’t, in the middle of the course I had to renovate a very large garden shed. It took weeks even with professional help. I dropped out of Marco Polo, the zooms, I just about managed to do some of my reads not all of them, the one thing that was constant was reading Charles Haanel’s The Master Key System and Og Mandino. It was food for my soul. I didn’t even get my Definite Major Purpose (DMP) signed off on by my Guide.

However, saying, all of that about me, I did complete the course, the last two months were phenomenal. I couldn’t believe how lucky I was to have discovered the Master Key Experience.

I had some major breakthroughs and epiphany‘s. I discovered my life‘s purpose, and I discovered who I am beyond all of the social identifications and expectations.

I embraced being the self-directed thinker.

I embraced the new mental disciplined freedom I found. Yes, you read that right.

The new discipline I had in my mind gave me more freedom, because it was a clarity I hadn’t had before and in that for me is freedom from concern and worry and confusion.

So, after achieving all of this, I felt like I really wanted to give back to other people.

So deciding to become a Guide was for that reason, I wanted to support other people to go through this process, enjoy it, and find their real self and be powered by it.

And the byproduct of that is helping humanity on a larger scale. There is a logo that says, “Think Global, Act Local”.

This is what I think MKE does for people, it changes the micro aspect of their lives, which in turn changes the macro aspect of humanity in all that they accomplish and are involved in.

It’s now the 2023-24 cycle of the MKE course. It’s my 3rd year of being a Guide. It’s also my 2nd year of being a Master Guide, which means I am mentoring a first-time Guide who also found value in the course and wanted to give back as well.

It is very fulfilling, and always a delight to be supporting so many people and witness their discoveries and empowerment.

This is my commitment to being of service to others and of course, service to myself as I learn more everyday.

Read more articles by Peaches Land

About the author

Peaches’ favourite saying "Happy is as happy does”. As a Life Coach, Peaches’ training equips her to be the catalyst to your greatness. Inspired in recent times by the Master Key Experience, she can help you bring science and spirituality together in a synthesis of transformative skills for accelerated growth.

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