I have chosen a ‘Word of the Year’ for the last two years. First “insight”, then “focus”. This year my word is “stretch”.
Why a Word of the Year?
I believe it is a great idea to choose a word for the year. The way I see it, my word for the year is something that gives me a frame of reference or direction for everything I do. Kind of like a compass or magnifying glass, helping me to focus on what is important.
My Word
Last year, I made a long list of words and then narrowed it down to “Focus.” When I did that, everything clicked around that word, and it made total sense.
This year was different. I was just thinking to myself I should stretch more. Initially I was thinking about my inflexible body, lol, but when I thought about it more, I realized I can apply that word to many things in my life.
Applying My Word for the Year
Stretch! My Body
Yes, my body is getting older. Though I exercise regularly, it is mostly walking and running. I have never been very flexible, but stretching would be a great idea to help with that.
Stretch! My Mind
I like to learn, in fact I really like to learn! I love to read and listen to audio programs. I love to travel and explore. Last year I learned to implement a new computer program at work. Turns out, I am pretty good with this program and can help others to learn it also.
This year, I have plans to learn Spanish. I have been playing Duolingo for a few years, but that is not helping me to speak or understand as much as I want.
This year, I am studying with a different program, plus I will be in Spain for several weeks. I may not become fluent, but I would like to be able to have simple conversations. I am stretching my mind!
Another way I am stretching my mind is learning and applying skills of writing, editing, publishing, and promoting my book, Quest for the Enlightened Pilgrim! Wow, I have learned a lot already and still have more to learn. Thankfully I have a couple of great mentors.
Stretch! My Comfort Zone
This year, I have a few new personas to embrace: Senior Citizen, Author, Hospitalera. Many new experiences are coming my way.
This could be a bit uncomfortable, so I need to Stretch! I have a goal to be a “best-selling author” so stretching my comfort zone to promote myself and my book is essential!
I have one last thought for you today. What’s YOUR word for the year? I would love for you to share it with me.
Dear Arlene, you made my day! It came to me a few weeks ago as a game, I had to pick 4 words in a huge amount of hidden words, and these 4 words would lead my state of mind for the year…I picked “Lesson”, “Alignment”, “Creation” and “Gratitude”…I loved these words and so also the idea to have words as guides for a given period of time. Your way to find your “word of the year” is great and I will for sure add it to my bag of tools for a better living!
By the way, when you say that your body is getting older, it is not at all by its own choice, but ONLY by the conditioning of the mind holding a bunch of false beliefs…Another possible target for stretching! A thousand thanks for your inspiring post!