October 27


Yes, for real! My Boston Marathon

minutes remaining

This month I completed the Boston Marathon!  Yes, for real!

I have run five marathons before.  This one, a virtual marathon, was very different.  No mile markers, no cheering crowd, no finish line.  But that’s okay.

The 125th Year was the one for Me

Encouraging sign – Boston Marathon 2021

I have never run the Boston Marathon, and never will – I would never meet the qualifying requirements, and I am happy with that.  But this year, the 125th year for the Boston Marathon, the organizers generously opened it up to the first 70,000 who registered, no qualifying time requirements.  I saw it as my only chance to be a Boston Marathoner!  And when my friend Charmaine suggested we walk it instead of run, it seemed do-able.

Well, that was several months ago, and ‘seemed like a good idea at the time’ was my main thought as the day approached.  Knowing that we had planned to walk instead of run, my friend and I dispensed with a rigorous training regimen.  Our mantra became “It’s just a long walk,” which is something we have experience with, having walked the Camino de Santiago three years ago.  Yet, I never walked 42.2 km (26.2 miles) in one day.  But I was pretty sure I could.

So, how does this relate to the Master Key Experience (MKE)?  Well, it is a perfect example of Mark’s MKE success formula:

Let’s see how that plays out in my Boston Marathon story!

Definite Major Purpose (DMP)

Definite Major Purpose, backed by a Burning Desire.  Completing the Boston Marathon is specific, measurable, realistic, rewarding, and time bound – a SMART goal!  No actual time limit, but had to be completed in one go, on the weekend of October 9-11, 2021.  Knowing that this is my one chance to become a Boston Marathon finisher, I had a burning desire to achieve this auspicious goal.  The Boston Marathon is highly regarded in the athletic community.  Big bragging rights!

Positive Mental Attitude (PMA)

Positive Mental Attitude.  We never considered ‘not’ finishing.  We kept each other motivated, we knew without a doubt that it would happen.  And if one of us started whining about our sore feet or legs, the other would listen, but soon change the subject.

Written Plan of Action (WPOA)

Written Plan of Action, expressed by Continuous Action.  We planned in advance, it was a great strategy.  We chose a central location in the river valley, near a washroom, where we could start and finish our event.  From there we planned to do a few loops, however many it took to complete 42.2 km.  It must have been a good plan, there were at least 2 other Boston Marathon groups who chose that same spot.  I am grateful for the lovely (and relatively flat) walking trails in our river valley, and so grateful that we had perfect weather for our event.  Continuous Action is pretty obvious, though we did take a couple of breaks for nutrition and rest.

Master Mind Alliance (MMA)

Master Mind Alliance.  Charmaine and I were in perfect harmony to reach our goal.  We planned together, and during our walk we adjusted our plans as needed, together.  And somewhere near the end we realized we had talked almost nonstop for over 8 hours!  And still didn’t run out of conversation.  It was great!


So, having a clear purpose, keeping our attitudes positive, following our plan with continuous action, and working together in harmony – brought us to our goal, completing the 2021 Boston Marathon.

My Boston Marathon Virtual Running Bib

Here’s some “marathon” wisdom to close.  Think about how you can apply this wisdom to regular life!

Everything you wanted to know about yourself you can learn in 26.2 miles. 

Lori Culnane

Don’t confuse it getting hard with it being not your day. You should expect it to be hard. It’s a hard event. You can still have a really great experience. 

Des Linden

The body does not want you to do this. As you run, it tells you to stop but the mind must be strong. You always go too far for your body. You must handle the pain with strategy…It is not age; it is not diet. It is the will to succeed. 

Jacqueline Gareau

If I can do this, I can do anything.  And so can you!  I challenge YOU to follow this formula to reach your goals.  Go for greatness!

Read more articles by Arlene Laskey

About the author

Arlene Laskey is registered nurse, a long-distance walker, and has a home-based business. She loves to learn and improve, and help others to do the same. As a guide with the Master Key Experience Arlene looks forward to reaching more people, helping them to reach their personal goals through the power of positive thinking.

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  • Arlene!! So proud of both you and Charmaine. You enlisted the Success Formula perfectly and have now blessed the rest of us with your story and illustration. I have to say… it reminds me of a half marathon I once ran in New Orleans with old friends… WITHOUT training. Learned a wonderful lesson!!

  • Celebrations & top bragging rights of the day to you Arlene ! and thanks also for the inspiration to do a walking marathon of my own. Want to join me in an inaugural MKE one? or.. maybe a mini/half marathon so that more members can join – what a great Christmas present to our MKMMA & a most interesting way to mastermind together with a buddy.
    I know there are also some superbly fit members who could do this as a warm-up for one of their ultras that they run.

  • Well done, congratulations Arlene for the performance,
    3.15 miles/h is a pretty fast pace for walking such a distance! Hopefully you had the success formula on your side 😉 Thanks for sharing this inspiring experience!

  • It makers my feet hurt just thinking about it, Arlene. Great example of how the success formula can be used to complete anything we really want to do. 🙂

  • Great blog Arlene! I love the way you explain the formula, making is so simple and so useful for EVERYTHING! Thank you!

  • Arlene, Congratulations for walking the Boston Marathon and for your constant persistence in your training and on the actual day. It was neat to see how doing these key points gave you the success you strived for: (1) having a clear purpose, (2) keeping your attitudes positive, (3)following your plan with continuous action, and (4)working together in harmony with your mastermind partner. Thanks for sharing this experience; it brought back memories of when I walked a half marathon in Arizona and Alaska. What are your personal marathon wisdom that you learned from this experience?

  • Alene, this is a great reminder that we can do anything we set our minds to with enthusiasm and a positive mindset. Congratulations!!!

  • You line this up so perfectly, Arlene! Wonderful job! On a side note, I went to school, worked, and lived in Boston and the only Marathon I ever got to see firsthand was from the hospital window when I had my emergency appendectomy. LOL

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