You Are Much More Than You Think
I’d like to share with you why I believe it is so crucial to master the fundamentals of the MKE exceptional training.
The reason holds in one sentence: as Human Beings, we are much, much, much, much, much, much more than we have been conditioned to believe, and the MKE is key to bring us back to our full potential.
Let me explain.
It is said and repeated in The Master Key System that Human Beings they are Omniscient, Omnipotent and Omnipresent.
I wonder what thoughts come through your mind each time you read this statement…
If you are like me until quite recently, it’s probably something like “Oh, that’s nice! Good to know! I wonder if I will ever be able to use these potentialities in my life!”
…And then our attention switches back to any next topic coming along… Sad, isn’t it?!
Evidences of Infinite Human Potential Are Everywhere!
Everybody knows the words of the great Carpenter of Galilee as reported in the Scriptures: “Truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do”.
Rest assured that I am not going to start preaching here as I am not a religious person, but according to what I have learned, witnessed and experienced so far in my life, I know for myself that these words should be taken literally.
Not that I have already seen anyone walking on water so far, although such facts are reported in Baird Spalding’s famous book, Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East.
But I have already walked on fire in three of four occasions (without burning my feet of course, otherwise it would not have been worth mentioning!). And I have personally witnessed several miraculous healings made on so called “ordinary” human beings by apparently “extraordinary” human beings.
I could name in the blink of an eye about a dozen famous healers having accomplished such inexplicable acts of healing on their fellow men, most of these healers still alive, and half of them that I came to meet personally.
Also, most people heard about these human beings famous for their High Sense Perception and the profound knowledge they brought to humanity, like Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, Helena Blavatsky, Rudolf Steiner, Nicolas Tesla, Dolores Cannon or many others.
Conventional science, because it is exclusively focused on the materialistic aspect of things, seems to remain indifferent about why and how these special human beings are accomplishing their feats.
Hopefully, since the early 2000s an increasing number of modern scientists liberated from the dogma of their materialistic predecessors, have made significant breakthroughs in the study of consciousness by scrutinizing it from all possible angles including the one of quantum mechanics.
The Foundation of Omniscience, Omnipotence, and Omnipresence in Human Anatomy
What’s my point? Well, these three words “Omniscient, Omnipotent, and Omnipresent” used to qualify the human potential are very practical realities manifesting before our eyes every day, and therefore deserve more investigation.
Digging deeper in that direction, two questions come naturally:
- 1) In which parts of our being could these properties of omniscience, omnipotence, and omnipotence have their roots?
- 2) What should we do to develop our ability to manifest them naturally and daily?
A complete answer to question 1 would require a development going far beyond this article, however, just a look at the tip of the iceberg is exciting.
In my previous article, I mentioned a strange vision of a deep space filled with a myriad of shining stars that caught me in the middle of the day when I was 8 years old.
Well, the fact is that our energetic anatomy is far more sophisticated than what most people these days know about, basically the seven chakras and the meridians used intensively in Chinese medicine.
As human beings, we also have many more chakras located outside our physical body and distributed on our vertical axis (the “Hara line”) from the center of the Earth below our feet to outside of our Milky Way galaxy above our head!
Our energetic anatomy also has a set of very sophisticated energetic organs (named Hova bodies and crystal seals) designed to operate at different levels of frequencies, from the lowest to the highest frequencies existing in the universe.
The lower frequencies are those in which most human beings are currently operating – the realms of physical, emotional, and mental bodies – whereas the realm of the higher frequencies is reserved for the few human beings with the highest levels of awareness – the Jesus, Buddha, and other so-called avatars of the world.
The only (crucial) difference between us and these great avatars is that our current level of awareness on the full scale of the human consciousness (spreading from the lowest to the highest frequencies of the universe) is still much lower than theirs.
The mechanics that govern our energetic anatomy in relation to our consciousness and to our present awareness is extraordinarily complex, but the result is extremely simple: the more we allow our present awareness to rise on the full scale of consciousness (aka frequencies) on which our full energetic anatomy rests, the more we can manifest our status of omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent beings in the daily life.
The Path to Omniscience, Omnipotence and Omnipresence
This brings us to the second question mentioned above, which we can now formulate more precisely: what could we do specifically to raise our awareness along our full scale of consciousness so as to manifest our full potential of omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent beings?
The simple answer is best formulated in two parts, a good news and a bad news.
The bad news is that it requires us to do the hardest work in the world consistently and permanently until it becomes a healthy habit.
The good news is that you are already been practicing this hard work since you started the Master Key Experience…
Yes, all the practices learned in the MKE will eventually lead you to the true expression of your Omnipotence, Omniscience, and Omnipresence.
But before you can get there, you’ll have to root the conviction that these practices are crucial to your growth in all the fibers of your being…
How crucial? As crucial as it is for a baby who wants to become a great writer to first learn the alphabet… or another baby who has the burning desire to win an Olympic medal in swimming to first learn how to swim… You get the idea!
Finally, what about the choice of NOT working at the development of our natural status of omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent being?
Well, that’s the choice we make unconsciously as long as we live under the influence of the River of Dream.
But once we realize we could live our life as a self-directed thinker, the idea of continuing to “play small” quickly becomes unbearable…
And then comes this joyful and fantastic feeling that these potentials of omniscience, omnipotence, and omnipresence not only are truly ours but that we also have the possibility to fully manifest them in this lifetime…
I hope you meet this feeling very soon and go all in for your greatness… And if you need help getting there, join us for the next session of the Master Key Experience. Humanity deserves you in your full potential!
With love,
Luc, this is an absolutely incredible article. I felt inspired and deeply connected to the truth you shared about our limitless potential and the path to awakening it. I resonate so much with the reminder that the “hardest work in the world” is also the most rewarding and essential for us to manifest who we truly are. Your insights are a powerful call to stop playing small and step fully into the greatness we were designed for. Thank you for sharing this wisdom.
Thank you for your feedback Laura, I’m so happy and grateful that this article inspired you. I love the way you put it, that “we have been designed for greatness”, it’s exactly that!!
You share some interesting thoughts here that most would never dream would be possible. The idea that all things are in constant motion in perfect harmony and on different levels of vibration is a fascinating thought and even more so is to truly know the great creator and conductor of it all! It is the perfect symphony!
Yes, you are right Shannon, and the partition of this perfect symphony has a name, it is called the “Law of One”! I also agree with you that most people would never believe in their greatness, and this collective “lack of” belief might well be the main obstacle for each individual who decides to go for it anyway…We have to do it by ourself but we cannot do it alone! Thanks for your great thought!